© Wolfgang Chodan


© Studio Friedrich Franz Bauer



  • 08. Oktober 2024

    Herzlichen Dank für die wertvolle und gelungene Erinnerungsarbeit, die hier geleistet wird.

    Cornelia Seibeld
    Präsidentin des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin
  • 29. August 2024

    Allow me to express my gratitude to the leadership of the Topography of Terror Documentation Center for their work to educate present and future generations about terror and persecution during WW II and the circumstances that led to it. It is more important than ever to reflect on the history and continuing legacy of the Holocaust.

    As President Biden said at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony earlier this year, “We have an obligation to learn the lessons of history, so we don’t surrender our future to the horrors of the past. We must give hate no safe harbor.”

    Alan Meltzer
    Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Berlin
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